11 thoughts on “Bob Dylan Changed My Life

  1. Leslie, how did I miss this wonderful post the first time it ran? I soooo get this (for me, it would have been about John Lennon, who changed my life, but Dylan was a major figure, too). Glad to see you posting or re-posting again. Been too long.

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    1. Thank you Amy. I had difficulty trying to post and the photos of Dylan I expected to show up on the page never materialized. I guess “chemo brain” has me slightly confused. Lol
      John Lennon also affected me deeply. I was devastated when he was killed. I had his poetry books and cherished them. But his goal for peace and ending war was so much a part of my generation and how we all felt. Beautiful souls like Dylan and Lennon molded those of us with a conscience, to continue to fight for what is right! ❤️✌️🎸

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  2. Rrogge

    You are a wonderful writer. This is because you think out of the box which is a great hook to get your reader’s attention and to keep them reading and involved with your story! Dylan is an about of the box musician. You both have a great gift. The only thing is his occupation paid more then ours! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, Dylan does indeed think out of the box. I hope his music and incredible lyrics continue on and that younger audiences will keep his music and his message alive for decades to come. ❤️✌️🎸


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